I think I was around 10 years old when I first developed a love for all things fishy. Though for some
reason, I don't really fancy them as food.
The first fish I ever had was a darling dwarf gourami. Scientifically it's called a colisa lalia. Posh?
Very. I just called mine Mac. We bought a pair of them, one for my younger brother and myself.
Back then all pets were taboo items in my house. My mom had a strict rule, "No live animals in the
Well, a dead one wouldn't be very fun would it now?
It's kind of sad that I don't have pics of old Mac and Goldie now but they kinda of looked like this
guy over here
Sweet huh?
After doing some research, I found that dwarf gouramis originate from India and Bangladesh
mostly. Fitting, because they kind of remind me of the colorful saree's and bangles Indian girls wear,
with their orange hues and brilliant blue green stripes.
One thing that made old Mac boy very endearing was that he had a habit of blowing or spitting
water up in the air when I came near him. Maybe it was just his way of saying, "FEED ME
HUMAN!" But still it was rather cute. I didn't have a tank back then so I kept Mac in a huge
Horlicks bottle. Being a kid, I wanted to give Mac a nice house he could hide in and a nice leafy
plant. Having no cash whatsoever, I fashioned a lil house for him out of an old soapbox. Poor
Mac. I soon learnt that soapboxes are not meant to be used as hiding places for fishes.
Eventually, my dad bought me a tiny lil plastic aquarium. So I guess that's how I fell in love with
fishes. It seems that this passion of mine for anything finned and gilled kind of runs in the family.
My uncle breeds top notch arowana's as a hobby, supposedly they are really beautiful and he sell's
some of them to serious buyers. Another uncle of mine breeds koi. My dad loves fish as well
and tells me that he used to keep many kinds of fish as a kid. He's my main supporter when it comes
to fish and breeding them. There's just something so amazing about it.
As for me, I prefer smaller and much more common fish. The kind of fish people tend to overlook
but have plenty of potential and character. As long as my fish are happy, I can say I am too.
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