Monday, November 12, 2012

A Look At The Babies

  I mentioned last night that the eggs had hatched.The thing is that was only a tiny portion of em.This morning I saw a whole mass of wriggling tails hanging from under the bubble nest.I estimate that there must be around 50 plus babies.Hard to tell as I don't want to get too close and make the dad frisky.I'd smack myself if he ate em on account of my big nosy self.

Barely a day old fry below bubble nest

  If you look really close just under the bubble nest, you can see tiny nearly transparent tails hanging under it.And maybe small black eyes that look like dots.They're really tiny,even smaller than guppy fry.About the thickness of a strand of hair.And you can see their white yolk sacs that will be there for a few days till it's been fully consumed.They keep falling out of the nest only to wriggle back up.These lil guys are feisty I must say.Not much work for Fred to deal with coz they seem pretty independent but he still watches out for them

You can see the fry falling down and swimming back up again in this short video here.Really cute

New Fishes and New Eggs!

  It's been a really great month!Thank God :) I recently acquired two new Bettas, a multicolored crowntail named Fred and a really teensy juvenile whitish plakat called Nemo.I brough them back with me so they could have a lil holiday too and mix with my other fishies.So these are some of my fishes.
6 Bettas and a few dozen Wild Guppies
 Large tank for mating, Fred at the top in portable tank, Midget(bottom left) and Old Man Paul(bottom right)
Nemo(newest addition to the family or misfits!)

  I had bought Fred because I felt a connection to him.Kinda drawn to the lil guy.Yeah I know it's weird.Wana know something else thats weird?I talk to my fish quite a bit.They don't seem to mid heh.I also thought that he'd make a good companion for Midget(my brown plakat betta) when I was out for classes.Being in the dorm room all by himself must be awfully boring.
  I recently came home for my week long hols and I though it would be a good idea to try and get Junior (pure white halfmoon) and Fatty (whitish female) to cozy up to each other. The other time around Junior harassed the poor gal up quite abit so I guess this time she had her revenge. She shredded up his fins into white noodles and had him cowering at a corner, a confident poise to her movements.
  Hence, I decided to pair up Fred and Fatty instead. The surprising thing is they hit off real fine. The both were confident but non-aggressive in their courtship. Fred didn't try to harm her at all, merely showing off his beautiful blues,whites and purples. Even though his tail and fins were easy targets, she did not even try to tear off one tip of it. One day later, there was a nest.
Fred under his nest

  The best thing was, yesterday when I woke up for church at around 9:30a.m, there were already eggs and I saw their courtship routine. It was beautiful. I've seen the mating process before but never the dropping of eggs. The male very gently curled around the female while she was still and the eggs fell slowly. Then Fred gently scooped em up in his mouth and deposited em in his bubble nest. They repeated this process a few time. Needless to say, she ate some eggs but I removed her as as soon as all the eggs were deposited. I checked a few minutes ago and thank God, they had hatched. I could see the extremely small tails hanging from under the nest. I'd take a pic but I didn't wana stress Fred out.
  Ah I'm so happy.I know that the hatching is merely one teensy hurdle that has been overcome but I'm still glad. Fred is a good daddy. He lumped up the eggs in the center of the nest and keeps virgil over it and so far I haven't caught him eating any.What a surprise.And I just bought the lil bugger too.Wonder what his kids will look like?I know people frown upon mixing the different species but it's the health and happiness,not the color and fin type. So long as they have a good life with me, I'm already satisfied :D

Saturday, October 27, 2012


  So far Junior has been adapting really well. In fact we even found him a mate today.My dad named her Boo after the cute kin in Monsters Inc..My sis called her Fatty coz the people in the petshop overfed her ans shes kinda obese.The result?Hello Fatty Boo.Of all the names lol.
  Junior has been flaring and getting all excited,chasing Boo all around the tank.Gotta keep an eye on him.Don't want him going all psycho stalker and killing Boo with his unrequited love hah..Anyways he looks really dashing when he goes on full charmer mode so I thought I'd show you a few pics and a vid of how crazily beautiful he is.

  I upgraded Junior to the "honeymoon" tank used to be Bill's when he met Dottie. You can see how he chases Boo all over.He isn't attacking her but trying to mate actually.Hope they have lotsa kids :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Gift For My Dad

  I've started my 3rd semester around 2 months ago and I'm back for a few days. This time I brought home a lil something for my dad. Something fishy. Literally. Say hello to Bill Junior or Junior for short.

  Spotted him whilst at a mall. The same shop that I bought Bill from. This guy however is platinum  white with just a bit of a rosy tinge on the tail. His two fins are also white with black veins running across it. Cost me quite a bit, RM50. Bill was RM35. Hes still an adolescent and though my dad really likes him, he hasn't the vivaciousness that good ol Bill had,though I guess he is a rather feisty lil tyke. When I brought him back home from uni, he tried to eat all my wild guppies. So we had to get him his own tank. 1.2 gallon is rather small but my dad being a busy guy, I guess he won't really have time to clean a huge tank anyway.To show you what Junior is really like,heres a video.

  Once again,sorry for the terrible video quality.I don't have a cam,just a Nokia C7.Can't complain.At least thats something eh?
  Anyway,the vid is just to show you how he shimmers in the light.I just hope he stays that color.Most Bettas tend to change colors a lil bit as they age,growing darker or speckled.
  I brought back Junior and my other Betta, Midget for the hols. I placed Midget in my 6+ gallon tank with a plastic divider to separate him from an older fighting fish. We had bought the older guy because my dad had wanted to breed a pure white fish.I didn't really like him because he seemed kind of soulless I mean that I didn't really bond with the guy and he wasn't really white.Speckled a lil black.It may sound a lil silly but I only buy fish that I feel some attachment to or who react to me somehow or if they look as if they don't have any chance of getting bought.Feel bad for them,which is why I sometimes buy females.No one wants females especially since they are usually dull looking and not very beautiful.
  The older  fish somehow jumped or went under the plastic divider and the next morning I was horrified to see Midget and the old guy in the same section of the tank.Midget had his tail and fins in shreds.I feel really bad for him.I bought him and his sister because he was never gona get sold.The kind of fish that are at the dank bottom tanks,marked RM1.50 each.They had mistaken him for a female and frankly I thought so too until he started to blow bubble nests and show aggression towards other males.He didn't even look like a male.I thought his dark coloration was because Midget was female but I'm starting to think it's because he's actually a descendant of an F1 betta.The kind you find in the wild.I kept wild bettas years ago and I guess the level of aggression and markings he has is quite consistent to those of wild bettas.
  Thats Midget,a pic taken after the poor guy got roughed up and had his tail and fins bitten to shreds.I put him alone in the big tank and put the older fish in a big basin as punishment.I always treat my fish well and make sure they are treated equally but since the other fish nearly killed Midget,he can stay in a basin for a few days till I get back to uni.Poor Midget,he wouldn't eat at all today and hes traumatized.Hes even gone all pale.

  Thats the big bully that shredded Midget like a piece of paper. Grumpy old man. He'll die a lonely old fish if he keeps trying to kill everything in sight. I just hope Midget gets better soon. Maybe I can tempt him to eat with some worms or brine shrimp. Go Midget!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Know Whats In Drains?Fish!

  Now that I think of it,it's been a really long time since I updated this thing.So I decided to take a break from reading and start talking bout fishes.I Want A Wife by Judy Brady is a really good read.In her words "My God,who wouldn't want a wife?". I would mind having one. Clean house, food on the table, a sympathetic shoulder to lean on...

And back to the topic on hand

  I've been back on campus for 2 weeks. Two days before I came back I made a rather pleasant discovery. The drain the runs just outside the wall of my house, is teeming with small fish.And tadpoles. And worms. And a whole lot of dog poop. Not to mention a monitor lizard or two.

  It's actually rather shallow with only an inch or two of water at some places.The deep end opens up into a foot high tunnel that goes into pitch black darkness.

  Anyway, it has plenty of wild guppies in it and I have been yearning to catch some for quite awhile. I kept hundreds of them as a kid and it was a wonderful experience. They're not as colorful as commercialized guppies but I like their random streaks and spots. And they have more personality. More aggressive and energetic. They're much smaller too, growing up to maybe 2cms in length. Females can get much bigger though.

  My 12 year old sis and I grabbed a bucket and went down the drain. It smelled soo...well it wasn't that bad. The water was pretty clear surprisingly and those little buggers were hard to catch. In the end we caught a few babies, around 4 fully grown males and 3 juvenile females. One of the males had only one eye,the other was probably bitten off by another male and had a golden sort of membrane covering it.

  What I like about the males are the way they show off their dominance to other males. The sort of bend their bodies in an angle and quiver. Their colors become vibrant in mere seconds! Those guppies in shops may have really colorful and whimsical patterns but they lack character and vitality. And, they have really dull looks on their faces. No disrespect to guppy owners though.

Here's a rather blurry(I don't have a cam) video of what the males look like

  These wild guppies are really tough cookies. They can survive in harsh conditions. No kidding. I've lost count of how many times we've dumped stuff into those drains and the city council has fogged up our area tons of times trying to eliminate those pesky dengue carrying mosquitoes. Yet these funny lil creatures survive and thrive.

  To show you how resilient these little guys are, let me tell you about what happened when I got them a tank of their own.For a week or so they were swimming in a plastic basin till I came back from university on the weekend.I bought them a roughly two gallon tank.I wanted them to have as luxurious life as they could since I was gona keep em prisoner for the rest of their lives so I bought the a plant and a filter so they could have a nice current like they were used to in the drains.The tanks wasn't very big so I got a really tiny pump for them.It was smaller than my palm and was one of those made in China submersible ones.Cost me only RM12.

  After I had gotten the pump adjusted and running I noticed something weird.The fishes were all twitching,or lying motionless at the top of the tanks.They were moving really weird.Turns out the submersible pump was electrifying them.The four tetras in the same tank all died.A female guppy struggled for awhile and so did two babies.One lil fella showed real spunk.He struggled then laid still as if dead.When I checked on him half an hour later,he was swimming upside down.Sadly the next day,he died as well.

  I felt really bad for killing them unintentionally.I've sworn off submersible pumps,especially those made in China.But as you can see,these guys are really made of steel.They're doing really well and I'm looking forward to see them the next time I go home.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Zebrafish & Glo Fish.Difference?

  Ah it's really been awhile since I've updated this thing.I blame the holidays and a gradual rotting of

my brains. Not to mention the blubber growing on my butt that's weighing me down :)

  Anyways,I wanted to write about the difference between Zebrafish and Glo Fish.This issue may

have been confusing to some so to clarify let me show you some pics of them


Glo Fish

  Okay,now that you have an idea of what they look like,let me try and explain the difference

between the two. There isn't much of a difference actually. Zebrafish are tropical freshwater fish that

were originally sourced from India and Bangladesh and surrounding countries. You may also hear

them called Zebra Danios and Danio.They are actually part of the minnow family, Cyprinidae and

are scientifically labelled as Danio Rerio,derived from the word Dhani meaning rice fields in the

Bengali language if I'm not mistaken.They were found in rice paddies,rives,drains and

ponds,basically places with slow moving or no currents. They are known to be very graceful with

long and wavy fins,which may be why they are a popular type of aquarium fish. Zebrafish have

horizontal stripes along their body,tails and fins. Supposedly male zebrafish have gold and blue

stripes whilst females have silver and blue strips with a more prominent white underbelly.
  Now for Glo Fish.Basically Glo Fish are zebrafish which have been genetically engineered.They

were supposedly created to monitor pollution in water by glowing in the presence of certain

environmental toxins.The first Glo Fish was created in the National University of Singapore by

injecting the Zebrafish embryos with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) derived from jellyfish

genes.The results were green zebrafish that glowed under white light and ultraviolet light.Later,red

Glo Fish were created using genes from coral,and these were followed by yellow,purple and

blue.These "Glo Fish" were a great hit with aquarists and were at first sold at rather exorbitant prices

but later became so common that they were sold at a mere few dollars a fish.As you can see in the

picture they have given the fishes some really flashy names but in reality they're just zebrafish.They

do however, pass on the fluorescent genes to their offspring.
  I kept a pair of these red Glo Fish as a teen and they're pretty hardy.Both of them lived for nearly

two years,one of them with the absence of his left gill cover.In fact he was the most active among the

two and outlived his partner.These lil fellas are a joy to watch and easy to care for.Basically like
guppies just perhaps a lil more active :) You won't regret keeping them but I do hope no one uses

them to feed Arowanas or some other bigger fish,after all they're really too beautiful to be live food.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Simply Sick..These Wackos Ate Them!

  Here I am at 5a.m in the morning with a bad case of insomnia.So I was browsing around on my

laptop,searching for info about fishes and stuff when I came upon this website

  At first I had no clue what it was.I had initially Googled images of the most beautiful Bettas.One

picture caught my eye.At first glance it looked like a girl with a bug in her mouth.When I clicked on

it,this is what I saw

 It's a freaking Betta in her mouth!Apparently these young ladies think it's funny to torment these

beautiful fishes by swallowing them whole.Bettas,frogs, name it,they ate it!I have no idea

what runs through the heads of these people.Poor fishes.

A snapshot of the site

  Apparently people pay to watch this stuff.Freaky.On a lighter note,I also saw something about

Bettas that made me laugh.Say hello to the VAMPIRE BETTA! *drum roll please*

The author of the site even went through the trouble of listing out the details of the "vampire betta"


  Well if you haven't figured it out yet,no such betta exists.But still I think it's pretty funny :)